I was chatting with a friend recently who is Managing Director of a successful creative agency. I have watched his business grow since its inception, 4 talented individuals, authentic and honest in what they wanted to achieve. However ten years on, they appear to have lost the essence of who they were. How leaders lose track of their dreams.
Funnily enough he agreed, saying “we have grown rapidly in physical size and to enable us to support that growth, corporate structure and process had to be put in place to support the weight. However I no longer know who we are and how we got here, it is no longer what we set out to create.”
This predicament is true of so many facets of our society and it shows how leaders lose track of their dreams. I spotted this post this morning, it made me smile but also reinforced how easily things get out of hand.
My friend cannot see a way of recapturing the creative freedom and excitement that he had when he set out to establish his dream agency. The monster is now too big and it needs to be fed. He no longer feels inspired every day because he spends his days fuelling the beast.
Big is not always better, sometimes it pays to stay true to your dreams.