“Just bring your fingers together a bit,… that’s it,… like you’re stroking the salad,…”
It’s not often you hear the words “Stroking the Salad”. It’s certainly not often you hear the phrase without smirking like a 12 year old.
I couldn’t help myself.
Another day, another wonderful photoshoot for a wonderful client.
This time: food.
And not just any food – this was the kind of food you just couldn’t take your eyes off. I made a mental note to treat Nikki to lunch at the client’s pub once it was up and running.
I couldn’t sink my teeth into anything just then (though I was eyeing the pulled pork bun with evil intent). I was too busy.
First up was reviewing the morning’s photos and sending them off to the team in the office to see which they liked best. Then there was fielding dozens of emails about the commission, flicking down the list to find the problems I could solve on the go.
This job had everything: Logo development, web design, brand strategy, video and animation email marketing – the lot. Balancing all of the elements of this campaign was consuming my days.
But there are worse days. Sat on a plush leather sofa with a cool glass of lemonade, I could gaze through the glass and enjoy the sunshine between the ping of emails.
Oh look, a blackbird PING. Maybe we can get a frosted glass shot outside in a bit PING.
I even enjoyed the emails.
The team were coming up with such fantastic designs. Eye candy, it was.
I loved the idea of the grapes in the Logo. I loved the colour palette and font they’d settled on for the website. Most importantly, though, the client loved them too.
Ahhh, it’s a grand job, this.
And then there was the young fella stroking that salad. I looked over to him as he carefully lifted and placed microgreens onto steaming pork.
There’s a story in every photograph, they say. In fact, I’ll have to put a blog together about that (check back next week!)
What would his be?
One Man and his Bap? A Kale to Action? It’s the Fennell Countdown?
Onwards and upwards. See you next week.