Enjoying dinner in a restaurant with clients last night, the conversation turned to Social Media. We thought we’d play around with the Wine Demon app and rated the wine we were drinking (a Mirror Lake Sauvignon Blanc which was incidentally very good). Imagine our surprise today when we received an email from Wine Demon saying that we were the daily review winners and they were sending us a cheque for the wine.
This set us thinking. Wine Demon is an app operated by Naked Wines. Why would they not simply offer us a wine of their own as a prize to incentivise us to buy a new case? This is the channel that most retailers take, using social to create revenue.
However that would have taken the social joy away from our interaction with Wine Demon. This is an example of somebody really understanding the social element. Our whole team is now inspired to review every wine they come across (it’s the weekend, there will be many!). Naked will start to gather more market and customer intelligence, we’ll have fun with the app. A win:win all round.