What we did
As one of two schools in a village, Caton Primary School was struggling with falling numbers. Because it is much newer than the other school, many locals lacked a relationship with it and automatically chose the older Church school for their children. A new head had been brought in to try to address this and a new identity for the school formed part of her renewal strategy. We felt that the school needed to be more firmly integrated into the village so we chose its famous 1,000 year old oak tree to be its new emblem. This gained approval from the broader community and succeeded in raising the profile. Apparatus applied the new identity across all media including stationery and signage and also developed a new website and email marketing system. It was launched with an open day inviting people from the village into the school and now there is a steady increase in enrolment numbers year on year.
What we delivered
Digital Strategy
Responsive Web Design
Ecommerce Web Development
UX Design
Web Maintenance & Management
Brand Strategy
Logo Development
Print Design & Production Management
Corporate Identity & Brand Implementation
Illustration, Photography, Video & Animation
Verbal Branding
Marketing Strategy
Content Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Email Marketing
Social Media
What a combination – it’s like Captain Caveman meets Lady Penelope.